Hey Armin,
Thanks for the response, you bring up a really good point about singles,
doubles, integers, etc. Something I've been thinking about ironically.
Alright, so lookup in help for System.Int32, says its a structure. I can
believe this, and this also makes sense with the allocating and deallocating
of memory dynamically during the runtime and calling of a default
constructor as explanined here
This is what I don't understand, look up System.Int32, it says it inherits
from System.ValueType. I take it this is implicilty done by the compiler?
I thought the only one that did that in a managed environment was
System.Object. So how can it inherit?
As for the calling of new, with the implicit constructur (because I just
found out you cannot create an argumentless constructor in a struct) that
now makes sense. But created on the stack instead of the heap.
so I suppose it can be concluded that any structure can be created using
CType because of an implicity constructor that no one talks about. =) But
classes cannot.
Facinating isn't it? =)