Ctrl+Shift+! for two decmial places with thousand separator



Hi everyone
I'm doubted with something
when i key in a number in a new worksheet, sound like 12300 ENTER, it showed
"12300". then when i highlight and press CTRL+SHIFT+!, the format changed to
"12,300.00" when i was using Excel 2000pro

but when i upgraded to 2003standard, it changed to "12,300", the two
decimals places didnt come out, it was also the same when i changed to 2007pro

my problem is: when i press CTRL+SHIFT+!, i want my 2007pro to
show "12,300.00", it has been a problem for me for years....

the version of my OS is Win XP CHT

regional and language setting:

Regional option->
Standard and Format: English(US)
Location: English (US)

Text service and inputing language -> details -> advanced -> TICKED extended
support for advanced text service for all programs


Why not just write a short macro


you could define your own shortcut such as CTRL ! to run it at anytime


hi Dazzadata, thanks for your reply
but i know nothing about macros, could you show me how? thanks

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