This is about selecting multiple ranges in Excel using ctrl.
Say you click on A1, hold ctrl and click on A2, next A3, you have 3
cells selected. But if you accidentally click a second time on e.g.
A2, Selection.Cells.Count returns 4 and if you loop through the
elements within the Cells-collection, A2 is twice in it.
Is there a way to obtain all discrete cells from a range? I tried with
SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible) but no success.
Say you click on A1, hold ctrl and click on A2, next A3, you have 3
cells selected. But if you accidentally click a second time on e.g.
A2, Selection.Cells.Count returns 4 and if you loop through the
elements within the Cells-collection, A2 is twice in it.
Is there a way to obtain all discrete cells from a range? I tried with
SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible) but no success.