I have been having this problem for quite some time. I currently have Windows XP Home Edition as my OS. I have no other operating systems right now installed. I used to have Windows Mellenium as my one and only OS. I had problems with it and my cousin decided to help me out, he uninstalled Windows Me and also formated the drive. He then reinstalled Windows Me and all my programs that I previously had. There was a problem that I noticed after awhile that was occurring. I can no longer press **ctrl-alt-delete** and have it work anymore. Before my cousin reinstalled my OS that long time ago, this key com. worked, but now whenever I press it nothing happens. I used to be able to end tasks and programs and to shut down, restart the computer, make it hibernate, etc. like the command should do with all computers, but now I can't do any of that and nothing happens when I press it. Any help is appreciated because I can't figure out how to fix this problem. Thank you.