You will very rarely if ever need to use .text in your code.
you'll often see some amateurs write the following code
msgbox "the value is " & me.MytextBox.Text
The problem is with the use of the dot text property, it is only valid and
legal to use while the control has the focus. sometimes it takes some new
developers to access a better time to figure this out, you'll often see
hundreds of lines of code where they want to get, or set the value of a
controlled so we have Williams and billions of set focus commands plastered
all over.
of bout the only time you'll ever use .text is when you're doing some coding
with the on change event of a control (since the text will not have been
written from the text box to the actual "value".
for 99% of all other code, you simply are going to use the .value property.
(and of course the .value property does not need the focus either).
I should point out that the .value property is in fact the default property
of the control, so a lot of us developers actually just leave out the.value
for most of our code....
msgbox "the value is " & me.MyTextbox