CSS style sheet not showing correctly on the server



We have a web application that incorporates a style sheet, in our local
environment (our desktops) the styles are applied correctly. We think.

However when we deploy the application to a server, any server, the styles
are not applied correctly.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Karl Seguin

Could be a lot of things. Case sensitivity? Path?

Hard to guess without seeing something



I would check the IIS log to see what is the HTTP status code for the
request to the style sheet...


Thanks for the fast reply, where would the best place be to begin checking.
Case Sensitivity, would this not happen on both the development machines and
the servers

Path, forgot to mention that certain parts of the CSS are correctly working.
Is there something we can check....

Karl Seguin

Yes case sensitivity should be the same on both machines. style sheets are
case sensitive if the html document they are included on is also case
sensitive (ie, if it's XHTML).

If you show us a simple example of what's working and what isn't, it might
be a good place to start.



Thanks for all your help, but it appears we may have stumbled across the
problem ourself. We were using a user control that had some html in it. We
have removed this and the page appears to be working....

Not sure if it is worth asking why this would work on the development
machine and not on the servers.

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