I can call C++ methods using byte arrays as values but I wish to call a C++
method using a reference to an empty byte array that is then initiaised to a
set size by the c++ method and populated within the c++ mthod before
returning back to the c# code.
c# call
byte[] data;
cpp_method.getData(ref data);
c++ method signature
int getData (System::Byte __gc * __gc * byteArray __gc[])
However this is not allowed.
Can anybody help me in how I need to call a C++ managed method passing a
reference to a byte array that is going to be initialised in the c++ layer.
method using a reference to an empty byte array that is then initiaised to a
set size by the c++ method and populated within the c++ mthod before
returning back to the c# code.
c# call
byte[] data;
cpp_method.getData(ref data);
c++ method signature
int getData (System::Byte __gc * __gc * byteArray __gc[])
However this is not allowed.
Can anybody help me in how I need to call a C++ managed method passing a
reference to a byte array that is going to be initialised in the c++ layer.