csc /lib compiler option (VS.NET 2003)

  • Thread starter Nicholas Paldino [.NET/C# MVP]
  • Start date

Nicholas Paldino [.NET/C# MVP]


You should place the quotes around the whole option, like so:

csc /reference:Fred.dll "/lib:A Directory"

Hope this helps.

Kit Ewbank

I'm trying to reference an assembly in a directory which has a space in its
name. When I use the VS.NET 2003 csc's /lib option with quotes around the
directory name (e.g. /reference:Fred.dll /lib:"A Directory"), it fails to
find the assembly (error CS0006: Metadata file 'Fred.dll' could not be
If I remove the quotes and the space in the directory name, all is OK. If I
remove the space in the directory name but don't remove the quotes, I get
the same error.
Any advice?



Grant Richins [MS]

And if that doesn't work try using the LIB environment variable.
Unfortunately this is somewhat limited by the underlying OS "SearchPath"

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Nicholas Paldino said:

You should place the quotes around the whole option, like so:

csc /reference:Fred.dll "/lib:A Directory"

Hope this helps.

- Nicholas Paldino [.NET/C# MVP]
- (e-mail address removed)

Kit Ewbank said:
I'm trying to reference an assembly in a directory which has a space in its
name. When I use the VS.NET 2003 csc's /lib option with quotes around the
directory name (e.g. /reference:Fred.dll /lib:"A Directory"), it fails to
find the assembly (error CS0006: Metadata file 'Fred.dll' could not be
If I remove the quotes and the space in the directory name, all is OK.
remove the space in the directory name but don't remove the quotes, I get
the same error.
Any advice?



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