CS0536 Error

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Hi All,

I'm trying to generate a C# wrapper for a Windows type library using the following command line ...

csc /target:library /doc:Interop.MyLibrary.xml /unsafe Interop.MyLibrary.cs >Interop.MyLibrary.log

And receiving the following error message ...

Interop.MyLibrary.cs(499,18): error CS0536: 'Interop.MyLibrary.IImpBaseCollection_SinkHelper' does not implement interface member 'Interop.MyLibrary.IImpBaseCollection.Item(object)'. 'Interop.MyLibrary.IImpBaseCollection_SinkHelper.Item(object)' is either static, not public, or has the wrong return type.

Here's the code....

The line where the error occurs is in Bold Blue

Any ideas appreciated!! ;-)



/// <summary><para><c>IImpBaseCollection</c> interface.</para></summary>





public interface IImpBaseCollection: System.Collections.IEnumerable


/// <summary><para><c>Item</c> method of <c>IImpBaseCollection</c> interface.</para></summary>

/// <remarks><para>An original IDL definition of <c>Item</c> method was the following: <c>HRESULT Item (VARIANT nIndex, [out, retval] IDispatch** ReturnValue)</c>;</para></remarks>

// IDL: HRESULT Item (VARIANT nIndex, [out, retval] IDispatch** ReturnValue);

// VB6: Function Item (ByVal nIndex As Any) As IDispatch


[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IDispatch)]

object Item (object nIndex);

/// <summary><para><c>_NewEnum</c> property of <c>IImpBaseCollection</c> interface.</para></summary>

/// <remarks><para>An original IDL definition of <c>_NewEnum</c> property was the following: <c>IUnknown* _NewEnum</c>;</para></remarks>

// IDL: IUnknown* _NewEnum;

// VB6: _NewEnum As IUnknown

object _NewEnum


// IDL: HRESULT _NewEnum ([out, retval] IUnknown** ReturnValue);

// VB6: Function _NewEnum As IUnknown


[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IUnknown)]



/// <summary><para>Parent property of IImpBaseCollection interface.</para></summary>

/// <remarks><para>An original IDL definition of <c>Parent</c> property was the following: <c>IDispatch* Parent</c>;</para></remarks>

// IDL: IDispatch* Parent;

// VB6: Property Parent As IDispatch


object Parent


[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IDispatch)]



/// <summary><para>Count property of IImpBaseCollection interface.</para></summary>

/// <remarks><para>An original IDL definition of <c>Count</c> property was the following: <c>long Count</c>;</para></remarks>

// IDL: long Count;

// VB6: Property Count As Long


int Count





/// <summary><para>Delegate for handling <c>Item</c> event of <c>IImpBaseCollection</c> interface.</para></summary>

/// <remarks><para>An original IDL definition of <c>Item</c> event was the following: <c>HRESULT IImpBaseCollection_ItemEventHandler (VARIANT nIndex, [out, retval] IDispatch** ReturnValue)</c>;</para></remarks>

// IDL: HRESULT IImpBaseCollection_ItemEventHandler (VARIANT nIndex, [out, retval] IDispatch** ReturnValue);

// VB6: Function IImpBaseCollection_ItemEventHandler (ByVal nIndex As Any) As IDispatch

[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IDispatch)]

public delegate object IImpBaseCollection_ItemEventHandler (object nIndex);

/// <summary><para>Delegate for handling <c>_NewEnum</c> event of <c>IImpBaseCollection</c> interface.</para></summary>

/// <remarks><para>An original IDL definition of <c>_NewEnum</c> event was the following: <c>HRESULT IImpBaseCollection__NewEnumEventHandler ([out, retval] IUnknown** ReturnValue)</c>;</para></remarks>

// IDL: HRESULT IImpBaseCollection__NewEnumEventHandler ([out, retval] IUnknown** ReturnValue);

// VB6: Function IImpBaseCollection__NewEnumEventHandler As IUnknown

[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IUnknown)]

public delegate object IImpBaseCollection__NewEnumEventHandler () /* property get method */;

/// <summary><para>Declaration of events of <c>IImpBaseCollection</c> source interface.</para></summary>



public interface IImpBaseCollection_Event


/// <summary><para><c>Item</c> event of <c>IImpBaseCollection</c> interface.</para></summary>

event IImpBaseCollection_ItemEventHandler Item;

/// <summary><para><c>_NewEnum</c> event of <c>IImpBaseCollection</c> interface.</para></summary>

event IImpBaseCollection__NewEnumEventHandler _NewEnum;



internal class IImpBaseCollection_SinkHelper: IImpBaseCollection


public int Cookie = 0;

public event IImpBaseCollection_ItemEventHandler ItemDelegate = null;

public void Set_ItemDelegate(IImpBaseCollection_ItemEventHandler deleg)


ItemDelegate = deleg;


public bool Is_ItemDelegate(IImpBaseCollection_ItemEventHandler deleg)


return (ItemDelegate == deleg);


public void Clear_ItemDelegate()


ItemDelegate = null;


void Item (object nIndex)


if (ItemDelegate!=null)



public event IImpBaseCollection__NewEnumEventHandler _NewEnumDelegate = null;

public void Set__NewEnumDelegate(IImpBaseCollection__NewEnumEventHandler deleg)


_NewEnumDelegate = deleg;


public bool Is__NewEnumDelegate(IImpBaseCollection__NewEnumEventHandler deleg)


return (_NewEnumDelegate == deleg);


public void Clear__NewEnumDelegate()


_NewEnumDelegate = null;


void _NewEnum () /* property get method */


if (_NewEnumDelegate!=null)




The compiler did not detect an interface member
implementation. A declaration may be present that almost
implements the interface member. Check for the following
syntax errors in the declaration for the interface

public keyword is omitted.
Return type does not match.
static keyword is present.

-----Original Message-----
Hi All,

I'm trying to generate a C# wrapper for a Windows type
library using the following command line ...
csc /target:library /doc:Interop.MyLibrary.xml /unsafe
Interop.MyLibrary.cs >Interop.MyLibrary.log
And receiving the following error message ...

Interop.MyLibrary.cs(499,18): error
CS0536: 'Interop.MyLibrary.IImpBaseCollection_SinkHelper'
does not implement interface
member 'Interop.MyLibrary.IImpBaseCollection.Item
(object)'. 'Interop.MyLibrary.IImpBaseCollection_SinkHelpe
r.Item(object)' is either static, not public, or has the
wrong return type.
Here's the code....

The line where the error occurs is in Bold Blue

Any ideas appreciated!! ;-)



/// <summary><para><c>IImpBaseCollection</c>
interface. said:





public interface IImpBaseCollection: System.Collections.IEnumerable


/// <summary><para><c>Item</c> method of
/// <remarks><para>An original IDL definition of
<c>Item</c> method was the following: <c>HRESULT Item
(VARIANT nIndex, [out, retval] IDispatch** ReturnValue)
// IDL: HRESULT Item (VARIANT nIndex, [out, retval] IDispatch** ReturnValue);

// VB6: Function Item (ByVal nIndex As Any) As IDispatch


[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IDispatch)]

object Item (object nIndex);

/// <summary><para><c>_NewEnum</c> property of
/// <remarks><para>An original IDL definition of
// IDL: IUnknown* _NewEnum;

// VB6: _NewEnum As IUnknown

object _NewEnum


// IDL: HRESULT _NewEnum ([out, retval] IUnknown** ReturnValue);

// VB6: Function _NewEnum As IUnknown


[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IUnknown)]



/// <summary><para>Parent property of IImpBaseCollection
interface. said:
/// <remarks><para>An original IDL definition of
// IDL: IDispatch* Parent;

// VB6: Property Parent As IDispatch


object Parent


[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IDispatch)]



/// <summary><para>Count property of IImpBaseCollection
interface. said:
/// <remarks><para>An original IDL definition of
// IDL: long Count;

// VB6: Property Count As Long


int Count





/// <summary><para>Delegate for handling <c>Item</c>
event of said:
/// <remarks><para>An original IDL definition of
<c>Item</c> event was the following: <c>HRESULT
IImpBaseCollection_ItemEventHandler (VARIANT nIndex,
[out, retval] IDispatch** ReturnValue)
// IDL: HRESULT IImpBaseCollection_ItemEventHandler
(VARIANT nIndex, [out, retval] IDispatch** ReturnValue);
// VB6: Function IImpBaseCollection_ItemEventHandler
(ByVal nIndex As Any) As IDispatch
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IDispatch)]

public delegate object
IImpBaseCollection_ItemEventHandler (object nIndex);
/// <summary><para>Delegate for handling <c>_NewEnum</c>
event of said:
/// <remarks><para>An original IDL definition of
<c>_NewEnum</c> event was the following: <c>HRESULT
IImpBaseCollection__NewEnumEventHandler ([out, retval]
IUnknown** ReturnValue) said:
// IDL: HRESULT IImpBaseCollection__NewEnumEventHandler
([out, retval] IUnknown** ReturnValue);
// VB6: Function IImpBaseCollection__NewEnumEventHandler As IUnknown

[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IUnknown)]

public delegate object
IImpBaseCollection__NewEnumEventHandler () /* property
get method */;
/// <summary><para>Declaration of events of


public interface IImpBaseCollection_Event


/// <summary><para><c>Item</c> event of
event IImpBaseCollection_ItemEventHandler Item;

/// <summary><para><c>_NewEnum</c> event of
event IImpBaseCollection__NewEnumEventHandler _NewEnum;



internal class IImpBaseCollection_SinkHelper: IImpBaseCollection


public int Cookie = 0;

public event IImpBaseCollection_ItemEventHandler ItemDelegate = null;

public void Set_ItemDelegate
(IImpBaseCollection_ItemEventHandler deleg)

ItemDelegate = deleg;


public bool Is_ItemDelegate
(IImpBaseCollection_ItemEventHandler deleg)

return (ItemDelegate == deleg);


public void Clear_ItemDelegate()


ItemDelegate = null;


void Item (object nIndex)


if (ItemDelegate!=null)



public event IImpBaseCollection__NewEnumEventHandler _NewEnumDelegate = null;

public void Set__NewEnumDelegate
(IImpBaseCollection__NewEnumEventHandler deleg)

_NewEnumDelegate = deleg;


public bool Is__NewEnumDelegate
(IImpBaseCollection__NewEnumEventHandler deleg)