CrystalReport Time Diff



Hello Everyone
Sorry but my English is very littel.
In my application I use Crystal Reports. On report I have (in one row) to
dateTime. How in 3th column calculate difftime beetwen this value and
dispaly in format (hh:mm:ss).
Now a use DateDiff functiona but I have wrong format.

Thx for yours help

Octavio Hernandez


You'll have to program a bit using Crystal Reports formula language. First
use DateDiff to obtain the difference between the two dates IN SECONDS, then
use arithmetic formulas in order to obtain the number of days, hours,
minutes and seconds in the difference, and finally build a string in the
format "20 04:15:05" with the temporary variables obtained.

Regards - Octavio


Thx Octavio,
but I don't quite shure that this is good way. If I use your solution I have
in 3th column string value. If I have string I propabylity can't use
agregate function sum().
Ever rows in first column have start time, second end time and 3th diff
time. On the end my reports I must show total time in job.

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