Crystal Reports

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HELP!! I need to get information out of an Access database to write a report
in Crystal. I know you are probably thinking, why is she using Crystal when
Access has a perfectly good report writter of its own. But I need to do it
through Crystal and have no choice about it. So PLEASE if anyone out there
can shed any little on this I would be very grateful.

P.S. I am not very computer literate, so can we keep the language as simple
as possible please :) Thank you!
There are forums on the BusinessObjects (ie. Crystal Reports) site. The
top-level address for these is:

You need to register to participate, but it's free.

And, IMHO, they are nowhere near as good as these Access newsgroups. I used
them briefly a year or two ago when I was working for a client on a project
using Crystal Reports, and was mostly disapppointed with the standard of
responses, and extremely disappointed with the promptness of responses.


Computers hate me said:
. . . But I need to do it through Crystal and have
no choice about it.

I had a colleague and good friend who made a good living for several months
doing multiple Crystal Reports against Access databases for a single
customer. After that, he got out of the developer business, and went
full-time into the fishing guide business. I doubt that Crystal was the
cause -- more likely it was that the business environment around here took a
real hit about that time (and maybe he'd wanted a good reason for a long
time to turn his part-time business into a full-time business). But, just
for the record, he's a very successful guide and very happy, too, now.

And he's kept up a part-time business in database development -- for the
fishing guide and fishing report industries.
So PLEASE if anyone out there can shed any little
on this I would be very grateful.

That's not really the kind of question to which you can expect a good answer
in a newsgroup. Newsgroups work very well for specific questions, but not so
well for requests for a "beginner tutorial." If you will go to the Crystal
Reports website, it's possible they have some online training (as does
Microsoft for Access). If you encounter a particular stumbling block, then
you should find a Crystal Reports newsgroup.

Larry Linson
Microsoft Access MVP