I got my data to work in the form on the other machine, finally. But now
Crystal reports won't show the report I designed. It says "keycodev2.dll not
found, or invalid key code"
I can't find any file named keycodev2.dll on my development box or anywhere.
What's the deal? I went to Crystal reports support and downloaded a 8 meg
zip file with some merge files but there is no explanation of how to use
them, and no mention of my problem in the one Pdf file that came with it.
TIA, patrick
Crystal reports won't show the report I designed. It says "keycodev2.dll not
found, or invalid key code"
I can't find any file named keycodev2.dll on my development box or anywhere.
What's the deal? I went to Crystal reports support and downloaded a 8 meg
zip file with some merge files but there is no explanation of how to use
them, and no mention of my problem in the one Pdf file that came with it.
TIA, patrick