Crystal Report Viewer Issue

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ashish Shridharan
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Ashish Shridharan

Hi All,

I'm not very sure if this is the forum for my question but
i was hoping someone could direct me to the right place
(or answer my question).

I am using the .NET crystal report viewer to display
reports (crystal reports) in HTML in my web application.
My client's requirements are that the reports need to be
viewable on Netscape, Mozilla and IE. However, in Netscape
7.0 and mozilla 1.2 the seperator lines between groups of
data in the reports do not show up. They show up perfectly
in IE and Netscape 6.2 Has anybody faced anything like
this ??

Also, another funny thing is that IE does not display the
HTML source of a crystal report viewed using the ASP.NET
crystal reports viewer.

Any ideas ??

Had the same problem, and for the record, have had abysmal luck trying to
get ASP.NET to render server controls in Mozilla. Unfortunatley, I don't
have a solution, but I feel your pain.

By the way, Crystal's support team responded to this issue

"We dont support Netscape 7.0 / Mozilla 1.2 yet, but will
definitely try and put it into our next release."

I guess there's nothing more to do but to wait until the
next release of Crystal.
