Crystal report - suppresion formulas

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I have a problem with a crystal reports viewer I have developed with VS.Net 2003. Everything was working fine until I tried to view reports with suppression formulas...
Eg. suppress (no Drill Down) group header 3 when: DrillDownGroupLevel <
this formula should return True or false and work fine when I run it in crystal report v9
but with the viewer I get the error message

"Error in File ReportPath\ReportName.rp
Error in formula <Section_Visibility<
'DrillDownGroupLevel < 1
The remaining text does not appear to be part of the formula

I am desperate for some help as I can't figure out what is wrong...
Any comments or suggestions would be welcome

Thank you
Hi Georgess,

How are you calling the report? Is it via
CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = "c:\testplace\thereportfilename.rpt"

If not, your vb .net app may be calling the internal visual studio version,
which may not recognize that formula.


Bernie Yaeger

Georgess said:
I have a problem with a crystal reports viewer I have developed with
VS.Net 2003. Everything was working fine until I tried to view reports with
suppression formulas...
Hi Bernie
yes I am using
CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = "c:\testplace\thereportfilename.rpt
The report is selected OK and I get prompt for parameters if any but the problem is when I have suppress condition formulas for section using DrillDownGroupLevel function
I don't know how to get around this
Any help would be much appreciated
Hi Georges,

Two questions:

1. was the report created outside vs .net or inside the IDE?
2. can you send me a copy, via email, of the report?


Georges said:
Hi Bernie,
yes I am using
CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = "c:\testplace\thereportfilename.rpt"
The report is selected OK and I get prompt for parameters if any but the
problem is when I have suppress condition formulas for section using
DrillDownGroupLevel function.
Hi Bernie,

I tried to use reports created outside and they work when I don't use the function DrillDownGroupLevel.
I tried to create reports from inside the IDE with and they work as long as I don't use the function DrillDownGroupLevel.

I can't find an update for the crystal report viewer component in this is a big problem as most of our new reports will be using the drilldowngrouplevel function.

Could you give me your email address so I can send you a sample report which works with the XTreme database.

Thanks for your help,

----- Bernie Yaeger wrote: -----

Hi Georges,

Two questions:

1. was the report created outside vs .net or inside the IDE?
2. can you send me a copy, via email, of the report?


Georges said:
Hi Bernie,
yes I am using
CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = "c:\testplace\thereportfilename.rpt"
The report is selected OK and I get prompt for parameters if any but the
problem is when I have suppress condition formulas for section using
DrillDownGroupLevel function.
Hi Georges,

My email address is (e-mail address removed).


Georges said:
Hi Bernie,

I tried to use reports created outside and they work when I don't
use the function DrillDownGroupLevel.
I tried to create reports from inside the IDE with and they work as
long as I don't use the function DrillDownGroupLevel.
I can't find an update for the crystal report viewer component in this is a big problem as most of our new reports will be using the
drilldowngrouplevel function.
Could you give me your email address so I can send you a sample report
which works with the XTreme database.
Did you guys manage to fix this? I have the same problem and would be
grateful for any help you could provide.

