I need to create a group to use in a cross tab report that
takes Sat and Sun and groups it with Friday so that the
values that fall into the Sat and Sun catagory are added
to Fridays values.
This is what I have so far and cannot get it to work.
if dayofweek(cdate
({_VWDATA_WorkQueueAll.Loan_Close_Date})) in [6,7,1] then
Thanks for your help
takes Sat and Sun and groups it with Friday so that the
values that fall into the Sat and Sun catagory are added
to Fridays values.
This is what I have so far and cannot get it to work.
if dayofweek(cdate
({_VWDATA_WorkQueueAll.Loan_Close_Date})) in [6,7,1] then
Thanks for your help