Crunching's For Me


Yorkshire Cruncher
Mar 21, 2007
Reaction score
I'd like to join the Crunching Team (if you'll have me). I tried to contact Mucks as per thread dated 21/01/06 but the page "is Unavailable." I have access to a fairly basic Dell but I hope that every little helps.

I read that I simply download the software but I would appreciate any other advice that can be offered.

Looking forward to it.
Welcome to the Team Nivrip:wave: it's great to have you aboard:D I have only been crunching since March, but it is very addictive and really does give you a very good feeling to know that your PC is contributing to such beneficial research :thumb:
Excellent new nivrip :D Welcome to the team :bow:

If you get stuck on anything, just let us know in here and we'll do our best to help :thumb:
Welcome aboard Nivrip!

If you start by downloading BOINC from here.

Theres a good guide on the Wiki pages that should help.

nivrip said:
I'd like to join the Crunching Team (if you'll have me). I tried to contact Mucks as per thread dated 21/01/06 but the page "is Unavailable." I have access to a fairly basic Dell but I hope that every little helps.

I read that I simply download the software but I would appreciate any other advice that can be offered.

Looking forward to it.
Hmmm, sorry about that ... updated the page & taken dead links out.

Anybody can PM me, just make sure you title the PM "crunchin" or I may just ignore the PM. ;)

nivrip, just follow the destruction's for setting up a new account/user ... install Boinc & "join" The PCReview Crew II ... keep an eye on the temp of the CPU, if happy with that, sit back and wait ... :thumb:

Welcome to the cruchin nutters ... :D
muckshifter said:
nivrip, just follow the destruction's for setting up a new account/user ... install Boinc & "join" The PCReview Crew II ... keep an eye on the temp of the CPU, if happy with that, sit back and wait ... :thumb:
Welcome to the cruchin nutters ... :D

Right, I've downloaded BOINC, "joined" the Crew and I now have a window headed World Community Grid - BOINC Client. There is an application " FightAIDS@Home" which is running and Elapsed Time and Time Remaning which are both changing, although not in synch !???

The Time Remaining is almost 7 hours. I assume that the computer must not be switched off under any circumstances during this period.Will everything be ruined if it got accidently switched off? I am not planning any switch offs by the way.

Now, keeping an eye on the temp of the CPU - how do I do this?
Can you please advise.

Is there anything else that I need to do?
LoL ... 7 hours ain't that unusual for an older PC to have to crunch, however, you can, if you so need, turn off or reboot, for updates to the OS for example, any time you like ... once the PC is restarted, Boinc will resume where it left off.

There is, however, a cut-off date by which time the PC should have returned this work unit in by ... I think it's seven days.

This bit now!, is the waiting game ... you wait, keep looking, see nothing, keep looking still see nothing, then the next time you do notice ... it ... moved.

It is the longest wait any of us have had to do n out lifetime ... our first work unit turned in.

We may be here for awhile, shall I get you a drink ? :D

As for the temp monitoring ... download SpeedFan, just run it, do not mess with it, you will "see" which temp belongs to the CPU ... the HOT one ... if it's too high for your liking, use Boinc's setup to lower the % till you are happy.

I have my sisters old PC her running at 60%, temp fluctuates between 45/55 ... temp monitors are only a guide, so keep it within reason to you.

nivrip said:
Right, I've downloaded BOINC, "joined" the Crew and I now have a window headed World Community Grid - BOINC Client. There is an application " FightAIDS@Home" which is running and Elapsed Time and Time Remaning which are both changing, although not in synch !???

The Time Remaining is almost 7 hours. I assume that the computer must not be switched off under any circumstances during this period.Will everything be ruined if it got accidently switched off? I am not planning any switch offs by the way.

Now, keeping an eye on the temp of the CPU - how do I do this?
Can you please advise.

Is there anything else that I need to do?

You can turn of the pc at any time , Boinc picks up from where it left of when you switched of the pc .
You can choose to have Boinc star t at start up or you can set it to be turned on manually.
For temps monitors look at the links both easy to set up .

muckshifter said:
As for the temp monitoring ... download SpeedFan,

The SpeedFan site I've turned up shows it as as a Beta system - is this OK?
Hey, welcome to the team nivrip, good to have you aboard :)

Your reward for joining us crunchers is one free moan without me making some sarky comment...... ;)

How can you possibly resist? :D
floppybootstomp said:
Your reward for joining us crunchers is one free moan without me making some sarky comment

Thanks Flops:thumb:.Is that one free moan per day, per week,or per year?
muckshifter said:
We may be here for awhile, shall I get you a drink ?

Yes please!!

It's a really weird feeling waiting for your first results. It's like waiting for your kids to be born or important exam results. Did anyone else have similar feelings?

I'm sure everything will be OK in the morning (probably won't sleep).