Doctors/Scientists/Medical researchers can simulate cures on a computer.
They know how certain substances react with certain diseases.
Those substances are named 'proteins' why, I don't know, but they are.
From past research they can determine how a combination of proteins will react against a certain disease by running a computer simulation.
Only problem is, those calculations take time and are very computer intensive.
So, the formulas are dished out worldwide to computer owners who can 'crunch' these formulas in their own time.
The software provided to 'crunch' is non-invasive and lays down in the path of more important computer activities. You know, the really importamt stuff like online gaming and browsing pRon
Using this method, the bods that are trying to find a cure for nasty things have at their disposal a 'super-computer' in the guise of thousands of PC's worldwide that belong to you and I.
There have been some reported cases of improvements/cures found through crunching, one type of Cancer in particular, though I can't remember which one.
Hopefully, the whole thing does lead to or help to find a cure.
Cancer, HIV/AIDs and all that other crap - depressing.
I crunch as I like to think I'm helping to find a cure.
And also, although this is a personal thing - I don't like 'professional' charity workers shaking a container full of coins at me me and asking for a donation. Oxfam, for instance, may do good work but I hear that something like 80% of funds collected pay staff, they don't go to those who need it.
So, for me, crunching means I can refuse charity donations with a clear conscience as I know my electricity bill reflects my charity contribution.
Or at least I think that's what it's all about