Crunching Only Cancer WUs


I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
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As many of you know WCG has now given us the opportunity to once again crunch cancer work units.

The down side to this is that the project requires some rather healthy system specifications that a number of machines may not meet.

Namely that being 750MB of RAM minimum.

What this means is that anyone who wants to focus primarily on cancer but has a crunching herd with equipment that doesn't come up to specifications will either lose the crunching power of the machines that are lacking or they are forced to check multiple projects in their WCG profile in which case all their machines would get mixed work units rather than focusing on a primary project.

Having a couple of machines that are memory deficient myself I experimented and what I learned is that as long as you are using the BOINC client you can keep HDC (cancer) checked as your only crunching choice in your BOINC/WCG profile (not applicable to those crunching using the WCG/UD client) but if you also check the box in there that says to allow other projects if HDC should run out of work the deficient machines will then download work from the other projects and continue to crunch.

This way my best equipment is all running HDC (cancer) and the other three right now are showing FAAH work units in progress whereas when I first made the change I lost those three machines.

Just thought this might help someone out.
My thanks to Spezi from another forum. :thumb:
Hello Muckshifter,
When I re-install XP and download BOINC software will I be given a choice of Cancer WUs only? My PC has 1Gig.
peahouse05 said:
Hello Muckshifter,
When I re-install XP and download BOINC software will I be given a choice of Cancer WUs only? My PC has 1Gig.
Nope, you can opt out / in from your WCG profile page on any or all, well not opt out of all. Just tick the " Participate in All Projects" box.

muckshifter said:
Nope, you can opt out / in from your WCG profile page on any or all, well not opt out of all. Just tick the " Participate in All Projects" box.


Sorry Mucks - I think what I was trying to ask was, can I opt for cancer WUs only on this best PC?
peahouse05 said:
Sorry Mucks - I think what I was trying to ask was, can I opt for cancer WUs only on this best PC?
Yup, just tick that one box ... help defeat cancer ... however, ALSO tick "If there is no work available for my computer for the projects I have selected above, please send me work from another project (this option only applies to BOINC agents)." ... then you will always get some work if they run out of Cancer ones, as soon as they have more cancer WU you'll get them back.

No problem Mucks - Spezi also missed it over at BBF where I also posted it :D
hehe, never got it there neither ... we are also members of another forum we both frequent. (911 or as its called now PCQ&A). ;)

Still, bit annoyed with myself that I missed your post. :rolleyes: