Crunch Crash


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
Reaction score
When I got up today, I found a stack of about 20-odd error messages which had obviously popped-up overnight. This is what they said:

"wcg_hcc1_img_6.06_windows_intelx86 has stopped working" (followed by the bit about Windows will close the programme etc.) I couldn't take a snip, or copy, other than with a good old fashioned pencil, because effectively, lots of things were not working. Couldn't even raise Task Manager.

I tried opening BOINC, which did come up... but it was a mess. Oriental type symbols and lots of question marks. Much of the work was showing as "Computation Error."

So, I decided on a "restart" but that went to the BSOD... didn't have time to read all the info there, because it vanished too quickly. Anyway, after a bit of dithering (meaning a screen came up, asking whether I wanted to start Windows "normally" etc., I opted for that.

When Windows had re-loaded, the desktop clock (the sidebar one, that is, had been changed, my world clocks had disappeared (still cannot get 'em back) but everything else appears to be okay - so far.

BOINC looked normal again. No hieroglyphs. But the work list showed two completions, (which are shown as "Uploading" but they don't appear to be going anywhere :confused: they are just stuck seemingly - they are Child Cancer and Human Proteome) with 2 WUs are being crunched and the usual list of "Ready to Start" WUs following.

This is my Vista Cruncher btw, and it's protected by KIS, SuperAntiSpyware, then periodically by Windows Malicious Software Removal too, etc. (KIS runs a scan every day, fwiw.)

So just a glitch do you think? Or should I be investigating further do you reckon?

Thanks for looking :D

PS: I forgot to mention that when I popped over to WCG and checked "my grid" there were 28 errors reported between yesterday's date and today.
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Not to sure what to suggest TC?
Perhaps Muckshifter may know if he passes by later?
The one person who probably would, would be Ady, but dont think he pops in so much these days?
Sorry i cant be more helpful.
Taffycat said:

But the work list showed two completions, (which are shown as "Uploading" but they don't appear to be going anywhere :confused: they are just stuck seemingly - they are Child Cancer and Human Proteome) with 2 WUs are being crunched and the usual list of "Ready to Start" WUs following.

I occasionally get tasks that stick and they are to be found in Transfers. After rebooting I go into Transfers and highlight each stuck task individually and then click Retry Now. That always gets them on the move.

As to the rest of your problem - who knows? It is, of course, a computer !!!!!!

Hope you get sorted TC - we need every cruncher we can get. :) :wave:
Hi Feckit and Niv, :wave: The "stuck" WUs are now un-stuck, (don't ask who forgot the transfer tab!! :o Duh......)

I'm hoping the rest was just a "glitch" ... certainly seems to be functioning okay again, so fingers crossed :D
Hi Ian, sorry, we must have been posting at the same time :)

I think you might have cracked it, just checked your link, and I am indeed behind on that update, thank you :D
I had the same problem> uninstalled Boinc [completely] reinstalled no problems since [whistle]:bow:
Thanks also Itsme :thumb: Had to pop out for a while, but will be updating as soon as I've had a cuppa to warm me up again ;)