Crucial Ballistix Tracer Black PC3-12800


Feb 23, 2002
Reaction score
OCIA take a look at some Crucial Ballistix Tracer Black PC3-12800 memory... just take a look at the LED pics on page 3!

What always surprises me about computer memory, is that for months it can hover around the same price range, and then seemingly overnight the bottom will drop out. About this time last year I was reviewing some Ballistix Tracer Red in a 4Gb dual channel kit, and now they have that same pair listed for half the cost, even less at some online retailers. As far as I can determine, prices fell through the floor sometime between the holidays and prior to CES 2011 last month. For those users still on DDR2 who have been holding off on a memory upgrade, waiting for prices to come down, now may be the perfect opportunity to do so.

You can read the rest of the review here.