CRT Monitor


Aug 18, 2002
Reaction score
I am in the market for a new monitor and was wondering if someone could recommend a decent one? I am looking for a 17" flat screen. Any opinions? I don't want to spend alot of money. ;)
I'm very happy with my NEC MultiSync FE950+, and I'm sure the 17" model is good as well, and not very expensive.

Maybe check out the Samsungs, too, they're pretty good for the price.
Thanks for the reply. I have been looking at LG and Samsung Samtron monitors. Another one I looked at is Hansol. So many to choose from :confused:
The LG is a good buy, you get a good monitor for your money. Don't rule out the Hansol, I use those for my "Customers" ... however, make sure you "View" any monitor before you buy.

Also look for, or test out, the resolution & refresh rate ... ideally you want 1280x1024 @ 75/85/100Htz in conjunction with a good video card.

Just to throw a spanner in there, have a look at the Sony Trinitron range ... :D ... after all it is the monitor that you stare at all day. ;)

Thanks for the advice Mucks :bow:

I agree..since I will be infront of it quite a bit, a good quality one is the way to go. Is there a particular LG, Sony or Hansol model that you might recommend?
Well yes and no ... :brow: ... if you have eyesight like mine then you'll need to spend £500-1000 (I did :eek: ) best you have a "look" around and "see" what you think ...

… sorry could not resist the puns. :D

As I said before look at the spec sheets for 1280x1024 @ 75/85/100Htz ... you'll get a good monitor for sure with those specs.