I don't know if my problem is in the query, report or form. When I run my query without the report it works fine. When I run it from my report it only works when [TName] = "a specific name", otherwise it gives this error message: The Microsoft Jet database engine does not recoginize " as a valid field name or expression. I am puzzled by the single quoation mark
Here is my SQL
PARAMETERS [Forms]![TrialLocation]![TName] Text ( 255 )
TRANSFORM First(PlotInfo.Plot) AS FirstOfPlo
SELECT PlotInfo.FieldRange, [Trial Locations].LocationName, [Trial Locations].GrowerNam
FROM (PlotInfo INNER JOIN Trials ON PlotInfo.Name = Trials.Name) INNER JOIN [Trial Locations] ON Trials.LocationValue = [Trial Locations].KeyLocatio
WHERE ((([Trial Locations].LocationName)=[Forms]![TrialLocation]![TName])
GROUP BY PlotInfo.FieldRange, [Trial Locations].LocationName, [Trial Locations].GrowerNam
ORDER BY PlotInfo.FieldRange DESC
PIVOT PlotInfo.FieldRow