I have had to do this before. Basically what I did was to add a bunch of
text boxes to a form. I'd name the text boxes like txt1, txt2, txt3 etc. I
also named the attached labels lbl1, lbl2, lbl3, well you get the idea. Add
as many as you think you will ever need.
In the form load event I'd hide all of the fields with some code like
For i = 1 To intMaxFields
Me("txt" & i).ColumnHidden = True
Every time the data source changed I call a routine that would Bind the
textboxes to the fields and change the label captions. It looks like this
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
Set rst = Me.Form.RecordsetClone
j = 0
For i = 0 To rst.Fields.Count - 1
If j < intMaxFields Then
Me("txt" & j + 1).ControlSource = rst.Fields(i).Name
Me("Lbl" & j + 1).Caption = rst.Fields(i).Name
Me("txt" & j + 1).ColumnHidden = False
Me("txt" & j + 1).ColumnWidth = 1500
j = j + 1
pblnFieldOverflow = True ' Warn user some fields are not
End If
For i = j + 1 To intMaxFields
Me("txt" & i).ColumnHidden = True
Set rst = Nothing
That ought to pretty much do it for you.
Ron W