I am trying to do crosstab query that with a unique PO# count, but
unsuccessulf. How do i run this query to count the PO# and group by customer?
Right now this query pull everything and count on it.
Here is the quote
TRANSFORM Count([table1].[PO#]) AS [CountOfPO#]
SELECT [table1].[Customer#], [table1].Status, Count([table1].[PO#]) AS
[Total Of PO#]
FROM [table1]
WHERE ((([table1].Status)="opn"))
GROUP BY [table1].[Customer#], [table1].Status
PIVOT [table1].Qty;
unsuccessulf. How do i run this query to count the PO# and group by customer?
Right now this query pull everything and count on it.
Here is the quote
TRANSFORM Count([table1].[PO#]) AS [CountOfPO#]
SELECT [table1].[Customer#], [table1].Status, Count([table1].[PO#]) AS
[Total Of PO#]
FROM [table1]
WHERE ((([table1].Status)="opn"))
GROUP BY [table1].[Customer#], [table1].Status
PIVOT [table1].Qty;