This does not work
TRANSFORM Count(History.ItemID) AS CountOfItemID
FROM History INNER JOIN Inventory ON History.[Item#] =
WHERE (((History.TransType)="test") AND
((History.TranDate) Between [ start date] And [end date]))
GROUP BY Inventory.DESC, History.TransType,
PIVOT History.BinLoc;
but as a select it does
SELECT Inventory.DESC, History.TranDate, History.BinLoc,
Count(History.ItemID) AS CountOfItemID
FROM History INNER JOIN Inventory ON History.[Item#] =
WHERE (((History.TransType)="test") AND
((History.TranDate) Between [ start date] And [end date]))
GROUP BY Inventory.DESC, History.TransType,
History.TranDate, History.BinLoc;
all I am doing is changeing from select to crsosstab,
assigning row and column headings with item id as value.
I was hoping to create a report like a crosstab.
thanks again
-----Original Message-----
Did you leave the criteria as it was? Please post your sql view if you can't
figure this out.
Duane Hookom
MS Access MVP
I can get the dates I want using the criteria, when i put
them in "between 1-1-2003 and 3-1-2003" in the cross
tab query this works, how ever I must do this for each
report on my date parameters.
when I do as was suggested in query parameters, I do get
the dia box asking for dates, but It does not filter the
date. I get all the dates.
what am I doing wrong. I am using access 97.
-----Original Message-----
You must set the query parameters. Select
Query|Parameters and enter
[start date] DateTime
[End date] DateTime
Duane Hookom
MS Access MVP
I'm trying to create a report based on a crosstab
I need some parameter values I can set.
The Between [start date] And [End date] works fine on
select query but
When I change to the crosstab query " the Microsoft jet
database engine
Does not recognize bla! Bla! Bla!
How can I get my report from a cross tab query to work
and have the luxury?
Of entering the dates I want.??
Thank you like so many times before.
Dennis Hansen