Thomas Kroljic
I have a crosstab query that works OK when I manually run it. Here is
the code:
PARAMETERS [Enter Starting Date] DateTime, [Enter Ending Date] DateTime;
TRANSFORM Count(Calls.CallCodeId) AS CountOfCallCodeId
SELECT Store.StoreDesc, Count(Calls.CallCodeId) AS TotalCalls
FROM Calls INNER JOIN Store ON Calls.StoreID = Store.StoreId
WHERE (((Calls.CallDate) Between [Enter Starting Date] And [Enter Ending
GROUP BY Store.StoreDesc
ORDER BY Store.StoreDesc
PIVOT Calls.CallCodeId;
My problem come in when I assign this query as the record source to a
report. First off, I get prompted
four time for the input fields instead of just two. Then I get this message
from Access 2002:
"The Microsoft Jet database engine does not recognize " as a valid field
name or expression"
Again, if I run the query manually, it prompts me for two input values and
display the correct data, but when I
try to assign it to a new report, I get errors.
Any suggestions as to what I might be doing wrong or missing?
Thank you,
Thomas Kroljic
I have a crosstab query that works OK when I manually run it. Here is
the code:
PARAMETERS [Enter Starting Date] DateTime, [Enter Ending Date] DateTime;
TRANSFORM Count(Calls.CallCodeId) AS CountOfCallCodeId
SELECT Store.StoreDesc, Count(Calls.CallCodeId) AS TotalCalls
FROM Calls INNER JOIN Store ON Calls.StoreID = Store.StoreId
WHERE (((Calls.CallDate) Between [Enter Starting Date] And [Enter Ending
GROUP BY Store.StoreDesc
ORDER BY Store.StoreDesc
PIVOT Calls.CallCodeId;
My problem come in when I assign this query as the record source to a
report. First off, I get prompted
four time for the input fields instead of just two. Then I get this message
from Access 2002:
"The Microsoft Jet database engine does not recognize " as a valid field
name or expression"
Again, if I run the query manually, it prompts me for two input values and
display the correct data, but when I
try to assign it to a new report, I get errors.
Any suggestions as to what I might be doing wrong or missing?
Thank you,
Thomas Kroljic