Directly, you cannot.
With Access 2002 or 2003, you can use a Pivot Table.
You can use a : SELECT SUM(CASE( f1=pivot1, value1, 0)) AS pivot1,
SUM(CASE( ... ad nauseam. That assumes you already know all the pivot
You can use RAC (not free, see
http://www.angelfire.com/ny4/rac/racv150.htm, but there is more recent, I
You can use heterogeneous processing, if the sys admin allows it. Add a
mdb as a linked server that will that will execute and return the result of
the crosstab. Edit the mdb to, itself, have linked table to the original MS
SQL Server (and sure, must have the crosstab pre defined, in the mdb).
Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP