Hi all. Have any of you ever had this happen? I have a
text field that is part of a crosstab query. And it is the
column value. In this case, it is the consultant's name.
For instance, P.E.L.A. Well, the crosstab takes my periods
and changes them to underlines, like this P_E_L_A_. This
of couse is messing up my table calculations, not to
mention that it looks bad. Any ideas? Oh, the text field
is a text type.
text field that is part of a crosstab query. And it is the
column value. In this case, it is the consultant's name.
For instance, P.E.L.A. Well, the crosstab takes my periods
and changes them to underlines, like this P_E_L_A_. This
of couse is messing up my table calculations, not to
mention that it looks bad. Any ideas? Oh, the text field
is a text type.