i am a long time asp.net developer, but new to winform programming.
in the application ive been assigned, the mainform spawns a new thread
to fetch a bunch of data from a method. this takes time, which is why
its been placed into its own thread, allowing the rest of the ui to be
Private m_getDashboardDataThread As Thread
'this is the method that gets the data and *currently* binds it to UI
m_getDashboardDataThread = New Thread(AddressOf GetDashboardData)
'not sure if this check is needed
If Not m_getDashboardDataThread.ThreadState =
Threading.ThreadState.Running Then
m_getDashboardDataThread.IsBackground = True
End If
problem: how & where do i properly bind this data? currently its doing
the databind in the thread-method. but thats not going to work when i
move the DA method to the real DAL. plus, ive heard allowing a spawned
thread access to the main form UI is a Bad Thing (tm). this true, btw?
anyway... what is the proper way to do this? the app needs to spawn a
thread to get the data, get it back somehow and update the UI.
thanks for your help,
i am a long time asp.net developer, but new to winform programming.
in the application ive been assigned, the mainform spawns a new thread
to fetch a bunch of data from a method. this takes time, which is why
its been placed into its own thread, allowing the rest of the ui to be
Private m_getDashboardDataThread As Thread
'this is the method that gets the data and *currently* binds it to UI
m_getDashboardDataThread = New Thread(AddressOf GetDashboardData)
'not sure if this check is needed
If Not m_getDashboardDataThread.ThreadState =
Threading.ThreadState.Running Then
m_getDashboardDataThread.IsBackground = True
End If
problem: how & where do i properly bind this data? currently its doing
the databind in the thread-method. but thats not going to work when i
move the DA method to the real DAL. plus, ive heard allowing a spawned
thread access to the main form UI is a Bad Thing (tm). this true, btw?
anyway... what is the proper way to do this? the app needs to spawn a
thread to get the data, get it back somehow and update the UI.
thanks for your help,