My post was a simple rhetorical comment, which turned out to be 100%
correct. Anytime the current subject comes up, the thread becomes 10 miles
long. Real hot-button issue. It just seems like overkill to me. I guess your
comment was that my post was just adding to the stack. That may be true, but
you would have to agree that adding my comment to the stack is just another
deck chair on the Queen Mary.
These cross-post/multi-post discussions, IMHO, just become like a cancer.
The same things have been said a million times and nothing is going to
change. Just as you and others have said in the past, if a person is too
discourteous, they will probably be ignored by the NG. However, I have
noticed that even the worst offenders seem to get a helpful reply, even if
it is accompanied by a scolding.
It seems that we all end up having to chime in on it somehow.
Was that an invitation??
Lets see how long it gets this time.
Well, I guess that this post helps with that.
For the OP........
There are absolutely no rules, guidelines, whatever in the Excel
newsgroups. You can post anything that you darned well please
in as many newsgroups as possible either by crossposting or
multiposting, attach files, write in CAPS, whatever. In a few
minutes, your post will indeed be displayed in the ng.
Now the big question is, who will respond to your question??
Those "guidelines" by Chip and Dave are designed to help
you as a poster get your post viewed by as many people as
possible and get a reply as soon as possible. You don't have
to follow the "guidelines" but by not doing so, you're limiting
your chances of getting a response. Someone mentioned in this
thread that some people filter out crossposted messages. That's
one group of people who won't see you post. Many won't touch
anything with an attachment. Others will skip over those in caps.
The list goes on.
As a test, try a post with a subject of "FREE BEER" and in the
text say "Excel sucks but I need to know how to add two cells
together". Other than some snide replies, I'd be surprised if anyone
would actually answer the question.
Best bet.....
Post in only one group.
If it's a programming question, try .programming.
If it's anything else, try either .misc or .functions.
If you don't get an answer in a few hours, you either didn't
give enough information in your post or your question is
unanswerable (the latter of which doesn't happen often).
As for your specific question regarding multiposting vs
crossposting..........multiposting is a no no. It can waste
our time. As for crossposting, while generally acceptable
to some, doesn't really gain you anything since whatever
single group you do post it to, we will get to it. And if you
do follow the "guidelines" more of us will get to it and your
chances of a speedy and accurate reply are increased.