Cross Page Postback and Datagrid.

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jason
  • Start date Start date


On a Datagrid defined as
<asp:datagrid id="dgCountries" width="100%" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
Runat="server" CellSpacing="1" BorderWidth="0px" CellPadding="2"
<asp:BoundColumn DataField="Code"
<asp:HyperLink ID="HyperLink1" runat="server"
NavigateUrl='<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.Code",
"somepage.aspx?countryid={0}") %>'>
<img id="StateImage" runat="server"
src="~/APP_Themes/buttons/Regions.gif" border=0 />

the hyperlink provides the row clicked via the Query string. We are getting
rid of the querry string and I need to implement this via CrossPagePostback.
So far I can not figure out how to access which row was selected before it
was passed on the querystring. I am able to access the grid but from there I
am stuck.

the hyperlink above will be changed to something like
<asp:Button Runat=server PostbackUrl="somepage" Id="somecontrol">

Any help would be really appreciated.
if i understand your problem
you could use a hidden field a javascript function that is called
when you click the hyperlink to set the value of the hidden field with the
value you want

something like


function setValue(value)
var hidden = document.getElementById('<%=hiddenField1.ClientId%>');
hidden.value = value;

void GridView1_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)


if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)


Button bt = (Button)e.Row.FindControl("button1");

bt.Attributes.Add("onclick", "setValue(' " + e.Row.RowIndex (or any
value you want to persist + "')");


Thank you for your input.

Is there a simply way to be doing this. I am new to the CrossPagePostback
and want to make sure I am not overlooking something
well i normally dont use CrossPagePostback ...but that's me :)
i perfer to user userControls and control myself the data using viewstate
my idea is that full postback of one page on another is something to avoid

sorry my bad english