Alejandra Parra
I have this query
SELECT prueba.str_NombreAbreviado AS Nombre,prueba.str_NumeroLista AS NL
FROM ((SELECT tbl_alumnos.str_NombreAbreviado, tbl_alumnos.str_NumeroLIsta,
tbl_alumnos.str_cvegrado, tbl_alumnos.str_cvegrupo,
tbl_alumnos.str_cvealumno, tbl_calificaciones.str_valor,
TBL_CALIFICACIONES.STR_CVEDATO from tbl_alumnos left join
tbl_calificaciones on tbl_alumnos.str_cvealumno =
tbl_calificaciones.str_cvealumno where tbl_alumnos.str_cvegrado='1' and
tbl_alumnos.str_cvegrupo='B') prueba
???????????? join
(SELECT tbl_calificaciones.str_Valor,
tbl_datoscaptura.str_descripcion from tbl_calificaciones
RIGHT JOIN tbl_DATOSCAPTURA on tbl_calificaciones.str_cvedato=
tbl_datoscaptura.str_cvedato) ale
on (prueba.str_cveDATO) =(ale.str_cveDATO))
GROUP BY prueba.str_NombreAbreviado,prueba.str_NumeroLista
PIVOT ale.str_descripcion
Where the ??????????????? are located, I don´t know what to write, because
if I use RIGHT JOIN I have just a part of the table, and if I use LEFT JOIN
I get the other part of the table I need, and if I use INNER JOIN nothing
appears, because I must get NULL values in the crossed reference table, so,
I'd like some help in this
SELECT prueba.str_NombreAbreviado AS Nombre,prueba.str_NumeroLista AS NL
FROM ((SELECT tbl_alumnos.str_NombreAbreviado, tbl_alumnos.str_NumeroLIsta,
tbl_alumnos.str_cvegrado, tbl_alumnos.str_cvegrupo,
tbl_alumnos.str_cvealumno, tbl_calificaciones.str_valor,
TBL_CALIFICACIONES.STR_CVEDATO from tbl_alumnos left join
tbl_calificaciones on tbl_alumnos.str_cvealumno =
tbl_calificaciones.str_cvealumno where tbl_alumnos.str_cvegrado='1' and
tbl_alumnos.str_cvegrupo='B') prueba
???????????? join
(SELECT tbl_calificaciones.str_Valor,
tbl_datoscaptura.str_descripcion from tbl_calificaciones
RIGHT JOIN tbl_DATOSCAPTURA on tbl_calificaciones.str_cvedato=
tbl_datoscaptura.str_cvedato) ale
on (prueba.str_cveDATO) =(ale.str_cveDATO))
GROUP BY prueba.str_NombreAbreviado,prueba.str_NumeroLista
PIVOT ale.str_descripcion
Where the ??????????????? are located, I don´t know what to write, because
if I use RIGHT JOIN I have just a part of the table, and if I use LEFT JOIN
I get the other part of the table I need, and if I use INNER JOIN nothing
appears, because I must get NULL values in the crossed reference table, so,
I'd like some help in this