Larry Tate
I have been at this for over a month and have finally broke down and decided
to post having exhausted all other resources.
I have tried all the methods of talking to controls on different forms.
I have tried ...
dim _Form1 as New Form1()
using properties in the globals file
Using imports in the top of my code.
All of which have failed. They do not give errors. They just don't change
anything. I need to be able to command the Form1 with Form2, like changing
focus and enabling.
Here is my scenario ...
In MDIMainForm ...
Dim _Form1 As New Form1()
_Form1.MdiParent = Me
_Form1 = Nothing
In Form 1...
Dim _Form2 As New Form2()
_Form2.MdiParent = MDIMainForm.ActiveForm
_Form2 = Nothing
In Form 2
This is where is have tried to ref Form1
Maybe I am launching form2 the wrong way. If I don't make MDIForm the Parent
then Form2 runs wild.
Big FYI .. I need Form2 to be held be the MDIForm and be controlled be
Sys Info
Windows XP Pro Sp1
Latest .NET 1.1
Visual Studio.NET
Thanks for any help anyone can give.
to post having exhausted all other resources.
I have tried all the methods of talking to controls on different forms.
I have tried ...
dim _Form1 as New Form1()
using properties in the globals file
Using imports in the top of my code.
All of which have failed. They do not give errors. They just don't change
anything. I need to be able to command the Form1 with Form2, like changing
focus and enabling.
Here is my scenario ...
In MDIMainForm ...
Dim _Form1 As New Form1()
_Form1.MdiParent = Me
_Form1 = Nothing
In Form 1...
Dim _Form2 As New Form2()
_Form2.MdiParent = MDIMainForm.ActiveForm
_Form2 = Nothing
In Form 2
This is where is have tried to ref Form1
Maybe I am launching form2 the wrong way. If I don't make MDIForm the Parent
then Form2 runs wild.
Big FYI .. I need Form2 to be held be the MDIForm and be controlled be
Sys Info
Windows XP Pro Sp1
Latest .NET 1.1
Visual Studio.NET
Thanks for any help anyone can give.