I have posted this message also in the "Programming" newsgroup.
I've generated XML files through VBA code (using the MSXML.DOMDocument
object). Now the developers of the application that receives and should
process my XML are having problems because my XML is one long string, and
they expected that there would be a carriage return+line feed (vbCrLf) at the
end of each tag, and probably also an indentation ! As I am using standard
methods of the DOMDocument object, I have no control (at least I think so)
over the way the XML is concatenated, but the default from Microsoft seems to
be clearly a one-line long string.
Can anyone tell me:
1. what's the real standard in XML: a one-line loooong string, or a
delimited, indented structure ?
2. Is there a way to tell the DOMDocument object to generate the latter ?
Thanks for help.
I have posted this message also in the "Programming" newsgroup.
I've generated XML files through VBA code (using the MSXML.DOMDocument
object). Now the developers of the application that receives and should
process my XML are having problems because my XML is one long string, and
they expected that there would be a carriage return+line feed (vbCrLf) at the
end of each tag, and probably also an indentation ! As I am using standard
methods of the DOMDocument object, I have no control (at least I think so)
over the way the XML is concatenated, but the default from Microsoft seems to
be clearly a one-line long string.
Can anyone tell me:
1. what's the real standard in XML: a one-line loooong string, or a
delimited, indented structure ?
2. Is there a way to tell the DOMDocument object to generate the latter ?
Thanks for help.