Hi Judy,
The preferred and only method for such unwanted Installations is to
Un-install them. One does not "delete" installed updates, software, and the
Look into add/remove programs from the control panel, and see if is in that
location. You may also try Start>programs>and see if there is a listing for
it in the programs list. If so, there may be an "Un-Install" feature for it.
You could try Start>Find>Files and Folders> program name> see if the
Un-Install is there.
Otherwise you may try a Scanregistry Restore (W98 and ME) to return to a
period before the installation was made.
How to Manually Restore the Windows 98/Me Registry
Windows makes and stores a backup of the registry when you start your
computer successfully each day. By default, five previous copies or the
registry are stored. To restore one of these previous copies:
1) Start your computer, press and hold CTRL.
2) Choose Safe Mode Command Prompt Only from the Windows 98 Startup menu.
(If you are running Windows Me, start your computer with the startup
3) At the MS-DOS prompt, type cd\windows\command, and then press ENTER.
Where windows is the name of the folder in which Windows is installed.
4) At the C: prompt, type scanreg /restore, and then press ENTER.
5) Select the previous registry you want to restore, and then press ENTER.
NOTE: A properly working registry has the word "Started" next to the
6) When you receive notification that you restored a properly working
press ENTER to restart your computer.