White installing the critical updates this afternoon the
MS AS window popped up asking me to accept or reject a
change to a start-up program. I accepted because I knew
what it was. Shortly after the window came up again
telling me that a change to a start-up program was made
since the change had been passed or OK'd previously(or
something to that effect).
When I was having some problems updating the MS AS
definitions earlier tonight I thought that the critical
updates might be responsible for the glitch. On the 3rd
attempt everything went fine.
I now think that the two are unrelated and that MS AS was
doing its job well this afternoon. What do you think?
(e-mail: no vowels in meets)
MS AS window popped up asking me to accept or reject a
change to a start-up program. I accepted because I knew
what it was. Shortly after the window came up again
telling me that a change to a start-up program was made
since the change had been passed or OK'd previously(or
something to that effect).
When I was having some problems updating the MS AS
definitions earlier tonight I thought that the critical
updates might be responsible for the glitch. On the 3rd
attempt everything went fine.
I now think that the two are unrelated and that MS AS was
doing its job well this afternoon. What do you think?
(e-mail: no vowels in meets)