I just went to Critical Updates today and noticed a Message printed at the
top of the page which read "Get MicroSoft Update Today" - Start Now."
What does this mean? There is no explanation.
We did not want to click on the "Start Now" and find out that we were
'locked' into automatic updates or something similar.
I clicked on the regular update tab and there were no critical updates for
my WinXPsp2.
Please advise and thank you kindly.
top of the page which read "Get MicroSoft Update Today" - Start Now."
What does this mean? There is no explanation.
We did not want to click on the "Start Now" and find out that we were
'locked' into automatic updates or something similar.
I clicked on the regular update tab and there were no critical updates for
my WinXPsp2.
Please advise and thank you kindly.