There is basically two ways to uninstall Hotfixes. The first way to do it is
that you go to the Control Panel, from there to 'Add/Remove Programs' and
there you can select the Hotfix you want to uninstall. If the Hotfix does
not appear there then goto: C:\WINNT\ and there you will fine a folder or
multiple folders called "$NtUninstallKBxyz" (be sure to let Windows display
hidden files/folders; you can enable that in the 'Tools->Folder Options
Menu). Now open the Folder with the Number of the Hotfix you wish to remove
and open it (eg C:\WINNT\$NtUninstallKB823559$). There go to spuninst and
there open spuninst.exe. The Hotfix will be uninstalled.
If you are not sure which is the Hotfix is the one you want to remove, then
simply search the respective MS KB Article (same Number as Hotfix Number)
and see if you have selected the right Hotfix.
Hope this helps.