Critical Update Wont Install

  • Thread starter Thread starter Chris Lopeman
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Chris Lopeman

Hi All,

I am fairly new to Win2K Pro or Win 2K for that matter. I have a fairly
new system with much installed on it and have been playing with VS recently. Well Windows Updates says that there is a critical
update for the .NET framework. I am hoping this will fix my VS problems.

Microsoft .NET Framework Service Pack 2, English Version

So I tried to install it. Well it took seconds to download and then
installed really slow. About 2.5 hours. And even the progress bar was
completed for about 30 minutes but it never actually completed the
install and exited. So I killed it and of course it was not installed.
So I went through the trouble of downloading it and running it
manually. The install acted the same way. I tried clearing out much
stuff from boot and then installing and no affect. I tried installing
in safe mode but that would not work because I could not get the
installer service to run.

What the heck is happening? What should I do?

Somebody sugested downloading it from:

And I was able to download it and install it....Kind of???? If I go to
windows update now it still shows that

Microsoft .NET Framework Service Pack 2, English Version

needs to be installed. And when I run VS and look at the about dialog.
There is a spot that says

Microsoft .NET Framework 1.0 version 1.0.3705

So is it actually installed?

And just to take this a step further I was really trying to this patch
because I though it might fix my problem. Everytime I try to use Debug
Start VS just locks up.
What's the version of fusion.dll in your Windows\Microsoft
..NET\Ftramework\v1.0.3705 folder?
Forgive my ignorance...I don't completely understand the question.

I have 2 paths



each has a fusion.dll

The versions are 1.0.3705.0 and 1.1.4322.573 respectively.

Also I have tried one more thing since my last post. I booted into safe
mode with networking and tried to install from the web site. The
install starts out slow and then zooms really fast to completion. At
least that is what it says. And my history does show successful
installs now from the web. However, scanning for updates still shows
that this needs to be installed and the VS About dialog still shows

Thanks for you help