For some reason qfecheck is not reporting internet explorer 6 updates for
windows 2000. It does however report the very same updates for windows xp.
Trouble-shooting steps already performed on for update KB969897:
1. Checked for new version of qfecheck
2. Verfied update was installed (WSUS,registry and file versions)
3. Manually applied update
4. Verfied that registry entries have correct permissions(system has full
5. Ran windows xp version of qfecheck
Additional information:
Location of the registry entry for KB969897:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Updates\Windows XP\SP0\KB969897-IE7(XP)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Updates\Internet Explorer
6\SP1\KB969897-IE6SP1-20090501.120000(Windows 2000)
Information in qfecheck:
This is critical because these machines are disconnected from the network
and are audited with qfecheck.
windows 2000. It does however report the very same updates for windows xp.
Trouble-shooting steps already performed on for update KB969897:
1. Checked for new version of qfecheck
2. Verfied update was installed (WSUS,registry and file versions)
3. Manually applied update
4. Verfied that registry entries have correct permissions(system has full
5. Ran windows xp version of qfecheck
Additional information:
Location of the registry entry for KB969897:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Updates\Windows XP\SP0\KB969897-IE7(XP)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Updates\Internet Explorer
6\SP1\KB969897-IE6SP1-20090501.120000(Windows 2000)
Information in qfecheck:
This is critical because these machines are disconnected from the network
and are audited with qfecheck.