Critical Error 103 (debug steps)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Susan Shields
  • Start date Start date

Susan Shields

When I start the new Microsoft AntiSpyware program, I get a
critical error 103.

Folks on the alt.privacy.spyware groups said to ask you for
help. Here is the error.

Error Loading Microsoft AntiSpysare
Warning, Microsoft AntiSpyware has encountered a critical
error (Error 103). Please restart Microsoft AntiSpyware
again. If you continue to experience this problem, please
contact Microsoft technical support at
(e-mail address removed) for immediate assistance.

I did a search before begging you for help.
I updated the program via the control panel.
I removed, redownloaded, and reinstalled the program.
I changed permissions of my program files directory.
I deleted it again and installed it in C:\spyware.
The DCOM service (whatever that is) is set to automatic.
I followed these instructions for critical error 101:
-Navigate to Component Services\Computers\My Computer
-Right Click Properties
-Goto Default COM security
-Click 'Edit Default' in the 'Access Permissions' group box
-Verify/Add an appropriate user/group with allowed access

Still I get critical error 103.
I'm running on Windows XP Service Pack II.
Do you know what the problem is or how to debug?

Susan Shields
You can always try this:
Open up control panel and double-click on add/remove programs.
Select Microsoft AntiSpyware
Select "Change"
On the Microsoft AntiSpyware Maintenance Wizard, click next.
On the next screen (Microsoft AntiSpyware Maintenance Wizard) select Update
Microsoft AntiSpyware and click next.
Select Install
Let the product update.
Click Finish.

Actually, it has something to do with permissions. Ensure that you are
logged on to the computer with Administrative priviledges.

I am also getting the alsomost same error except error code.

Critical error 101
I'm running on Windows XP Service Pack II.

You have been through the whole list that I'm aware of, anyway.

Andre's mention of the requirement of being an administrator on the machine
is an important one.

I take it that when you checked on the DCOM service, it was, in fact,
running? (you mentioned that it is set to automatic start, but...)

When I look at the DCOMCNFG dialog you cite, I see SELF and SYSTEM, both of
which are ALLOWED Local Access and Remote Access. If I do the same thing in
the box below, about Launch and Activation permissions, my username has all
items checked.

As I say--you have run through the list as far as I can see.
Chandra - I'd recommend to you some of the steps Susan Shields has already
taken, and that Andre Da Costa recommended.

1) be sure that you are logged into Windows with administrator permissions
on the machine, and 2) go to Control pane, add or remove programs, Microsoft
Antispyware, and choose Change, and then (there are a few nexts in between)

See whether that fixes your particular error.