Since upgrading to the latest Beta Version of Antisypware I consistantly get
the Critcal 101 error. I have tried all solutions offered by others to no
The following errors are written to the errors.log
429::ln 15:ActiveX component can't create
object::GIANTAntiSpywareMain:modMain:Main::27/01/2006 10:04:12 AM:XP:1.0.701
91::ln 15:Object variable or With block variable not
set::GIANTAntiSpywareMain:modMain:Main::27/01/2006 10:04:12 AM:XP:1.0.701
91::ln 15:Object variable or With block variable not
set::GIANTAntiSpywareMain:modMain:Main::27/01/2006 10:04:12 AM:XP:1.0.701
0::ln 0::gcasDtServ not Authorized, 2nd
try.::GIANTAntiSpywareMain:modMain:Main::27/01/2006 10:04:12 AM:XP:1.0.701
I am hoping that somebody may be able to help
the Critcal 101 error. I have tried all solutions offered by others to no
The following errors are written to the errors.log
429::ln 15:ActiveX component can't create
object::GIANTAntiSpywareMain:modMain:Main::27/01/2006 10:04:12 AM:XP:1.0.701
91::ln 15:Object variable or With block variable not
set::GIANTAntiSpywareMain:modMain:Main::27/01/2006 10:04:12 AM:XP:1.0.701
91::ln 15:Object variable or With block variable not
set::GIANTAntiSpywareMain:modMain:Main::27/01/2006 10:04:12 AM:XP:1.0.701
0::ln 0::gcasDtServ not Authorized, 2nd
try.::GIANTAntiSpywareMain:modMain:Main::27/01/2006 10:04:12 AM:XP:1.0.701
I am hoping that somebody may be able to help