Critical 101 Error



I've encountered this Critical error 101. I've
uninstalled an re-downloaded the software and still hit
the error. Any suggestions?

Bill Sanderson

The help file in the program recommends an update install first, so that may
still be worth trying:

Control Panel, add or remove programs, Microsoft Antispyware, Change, update

Microsoft is interested in the errors.log files from customers who are
seeing this issue. This file is located in the folder where Microsoft
Antispyware is installed, typically c:\program files\microsoft antispyware.

If you are able, please send the file to:

(e-mail address removed)


I've done this but have received no reply, not even an
acknowledgment. Any other thoughts?

Steve Dodson [MSFT]

We will not be replying to e-mail's that come into the as-beta box unless we
need further information. Look for posts in the newsgroup with solutions to
answers. In short, the mailbox is a way for us to receive information, and
is not intended to be a support medium.


Steve Dodson [MSFT]
PSS Security


This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
Use of included script samples are subject to the terms specified at

Note: For the benefit of the community-at-large, all responses to this
message are best directed to the newsgroup/thread from which they

Bill Sanderson

Here's the full text of what is in the help file:

* If you see a dialog box with the following message after you start your
computer or when you start Microsoft Windows AntiSpyware, you need to repair
or reinstall Windows AntiSpyware. The following message can also refer to
Error 102 or Error 103:

Warning: Microsoft Windows AntiSpyware has encountered a critical error
(Error 101). Please restart Windows AntiSpyware and run the program again.
If you continue to experience this problem, please uninstall the program and
install the most recent version of Windows AntiSpyware. You can use Add or
Remove Programs in Control Panel to uninstall this version of Windows

You can repair Windows AntiSpyware using Add or Remove Programs in Control
Panel. Click Microsoft AntiSpyware and click Change. Click Next, and then
click Update.

If you see the critical error message again, uninstall Windows AntiSpyware
and reinstall it. To do this, use Add or Remove Programs in the Windows
Control Panel. Click Microsoft AntiSpyware and click Remove. You can
reinstall Microsoft Windows AntiSpyware at

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