I am trying to write a macro that will use the autofilter function in Excel. I have a list of customers transactions and
I have a table with 5 columns, account no, account name etc and the 4th column is date of last transaction. The date of last transaction tells me the last time a customer has bought something off me. I use the record macro button and it gave me the following cod
selection.autofilter field:=4, criteria1:="01/01/2004", xlAnd
I tried to modify the code but i keep getting errors
I want it to lost all the transactions that are greater that today - 30 days, so i had something like thi
set Lessdays=date 'this gave me todays dat
lessdays=(lessdays - 30) ' this gave me todays date - 30 days wehich is the 15/12.200
selection.autofilter field:=4, criteria1:= < lessdays , xlAnd
This gives me an error like end of expressen expected and it highlights the "<". I have tried many variations but none wor
I also want to try and say greater than 30 days but less than 60 etc.
I need this to watch my customers to ensure that they buy off me and i dont loose any
thanks in advanc
I am trying to write a macro that will use the autofilter function in Excel. I have a list of customers transactions and
I have a table with 5 columns, account no, account name etc and the 4th column is date of last transaction. The date of last transaction tells me the last time a customer has bought something off me. I use the record macro button and it gave me the following cod
selection.autofilter field:=4, criteria1:="01/01/2004", xlAnd
I tried to modify the code but i keep getting errors
I want it to lost all the transactions that are greater that today - 30 days, so i had something like thi
set Lessdays=date 'this gave me todays dat
lessdays=(lessdays - 30) ' this gave me todays date - 30 days wehich is the 15/12.200
selection.autofilter field:=4, criteria1:= < lessdays , xlAnd
This gives me an error like end of expressen expected and it highlights the "<". I have tried many variations but none wor
I also want to try and say greater than 30 days but less than 60 etc.
I need this to watch my customers to ensure that they buy off me and i dont loose any
thanks in advanc