Someone told me there is a really simple way to create a
personal web page via a template of some sort. I need to
create a web page for my employer and have no idea how to
do this. I do not want to put a great deal of time into
it because it is not something I think I will ever use.
Can you advise me how to get started, is there such a
thing as a template or a program that walks you through
creating a web page, and about how long do you think it
would take to create a simple web page?
personal web page via a template of some sort. I need to
create a web page for my employer and have no idea how to
do this. I do not want to put a great deal of time into
it because it is not something I think I will ever use.
Can you advise me how to get started, is there such a
thing as a template or a program that walks you through
creating a web page, and about how long do you think it
would take to create a simple web page?