For a single login for all users
Your host will have to support subwebs and unique permissions under the FP Server Extensions
For multiple logins for different users it depends on your hosts OS and what they support
For a Windows Host that supports ASP & Access DB
| could you please explain what this form does and walk me through what it means.
| Josh
| "MikeR" wrote:
| > If everybody will have the same id and pw, then create a form page with 2 text inputs, and
| > a submit button. For the action of the submit goto argle.asp.
| > In argle.asp
| > <%
| > If (UCase(Request.Form("NameOfYourIDtextBox") = "MYID") and
| > (UCase(Request.Form("NameOfYourPWTextBox) = "MYPASSWORD") then
| > response.redirect("MyGoodPage.html")
| > Else
| > response.redirect("MyLoginErrorPage.html")
| > End If
| > %>
| > Putting argle.asp in a hidden folder (_MyFlowerPix) makes this a tad more secure.
| > If each user has their own login, then agrle.asp will need to read a database.
| > This supposes you are on a server that supports asp.
| >
| > If each user will have their own login, the argle.asp will need to read a database to amke
| > the match.
| >
| > There are native FP/server ways too, but I'll leave that to someone else, as I don't use 'em.
| > MikeR
| >
| > Josh Davis wrote:
| > > how do i create a link that restricts access to the link using set ids and
| > > passwords so that only certain people can view the page?
| > >
| > > Josh
| >