For the sake of brevity, I only show how to:
1) Create a new toolbar
2) Add a popup type control (that supports menu items) to the toolbar
2) Add menu items to the popup control (menu control)
3) Add a popup control (that supports submenu items) to the first popup
4) Add submenu items to the second popup control
5) Use arrays and loops to drastically cut down on the code requirement.
You can continue the same branching process indefinately to my knowledge.
Sub MakeNewMenu()
Dim CB As CommandBar
Dim NewMenu As CommandBarControl
Dim MenuItm As CommandBarControl
Dim SubMenuItm As CommandBarControl
Dim Arr1 As Variant, Arr2 As Variant
Dim Arr3 As Variant
Dim i As Integer
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = False
'Menu item caption list
Arr1 = Array("Caption 1", "Caption 2", _
"Caption 3", "Caption 4", "Caption 5")
'Menu item macro list
Arr2 = Array("Menu macro 1", "Menu macro 2", _
"Menu macro 3", "Menu macro 4", "Menu macro 5")
'Menu item FaceId list
Arr3 = Array(100, 101, 102, 103, 104)
Set CB = .CommandBars.Add("Data Analysis", Temporary:=True)
Set NewMenu = CB.Controls.Add(msoControlPopup)
NewMenu.Caption = "Menu items"
'ToolTipText supported on this level only
NewMenu.TooltipText = "Select from my macros"
'When referencing elements in an array, the first
'element has an index value of zero (hence 0 to 4)
For i = 0 To 4
Set MenuItm = NewMenu.Controls.Add
With MenuItm
.Caption = Arr1(i)
.Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
.OnAction = Arr2(i)
.FaceId = Arr3(i)
End With
'Submenu item caption list
Arr1 = Array("Caption 6", "Caption 7", "Caption 8", _
"Caption 9", "Caption 10")
'Submenu item macro list
Arr2 = Array("Submenu macro 1", "Submenu macro 2", _
"Submenu macro 3", "Submenu macro 4", "Submenu macro 5")
'Submenu item FaceId list
Arr3 = Array(200, 201, 202, 203, 204)
'Now add popup type control to support the submenus
Set MenuItm = NewMenu.Controls.Add(msoControlPopup)
MenuItm.Caption = "Sub menu items"
For i = 0 To 4
Set SubMenuItm = MenuItm.Controls.Add
With SubMenuItm
.Caption = Arr1(i)
.Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
.OnAction = Arr2(i)
.FaceId = Arr3(i)
End With
CB.Visible = True
.ScreenUpdating = True
End With
End Sub