creating repeating control using templates




I've a requirement of creating repeating controls similar to the one
available in infopath form. The controls to repeat could be a
combination of dropdown and check box or a combination of textbox and
checkbox and so on. When I say insert item a new row should get added
with any of the above templates.

I would like to create a generic repeating control, where in I should be
able to specify a control template and based on the control template
definition, I should get a new row added. The generic control should
take the template as property.

Will it be possible to create a repeating control through javascript, so
that I don't make a server side call when I insert a new item?

Any pointers is appreciated.


bruce barker

you can do it in javascript. you might want to use one of the template
libraries for javascript, as it make it easy. jquery has one, and microsoft
has one in its futures ajax release

-- bruce (

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