you're describing a classic many-to-many relationship: one customer may be
involved in many projects, and one project may involve many customers. in
relational design, you model this relationship by using a "join" or
"linking" table, which is the "many" side of a one-to-many relationship with
each of the other two tables, as
ProjectID (primary key)
<other fields that describe a project, but nothing about customers.>
CustomerID (pk)
<other fields that describe a customer, but nothing about projects.>
ProjectID (foreign key from tblProjects)
CustomerID (fk from tblCustomers)
<you can use the two fields as a combination primary key; or you can use a
separate field (probably Autonumber) as the primary key, in which case you
need to set a Unique multi-field index using both foreign key fields.>
the relationships are
tblProjects.ProjectID 1:n tblProjectCustomers.ProjectID
tblCustomers.CustomerID 1:n tblProjectCustomers.CustomerID
set these relationships in the Relationships window, and make sure you
enforce Referential Integrity on each relationship.
so each customer involved with a specific project will be a single record in
tblProjectCustomers. recommend you read up/more on relational design
principles so you'll understand how the relationships work. for more
information, see