I have created a dataset with 3 tables. The first table in the dataset is tblCustomer that has customer_id as the primary key and relates to the foreign key customer_id in table tblCustomerCategory. tblCustomerCategory is a "bridge" table and has as its primary key customer_id, category_id and business_id. The category_id and business_id in tblCustomerCategory relates to the foreign keys category_id and business_id in tblCategory. tblCategory has as its primary key category_id and business_id. I have set up the primary keys and relations in code, but when I run the code I get an error on the line dsDataSet11.Relations.Add(drDataRelation2) (before catch exception): "These columns don't currently have unique values". I am not sure why this is happening. Here is the code
'Define primary key for tblCustome
sqlDataAdapter1.Fill(dsDataSet11, "tblCustomer"
tCustomerTable = dsDataSet11.Tables("tblCustomer"
tCustomerTable.PrimaryKey = New DataColumn() {tCustomerTable.Columns("customer_id")
'Set criteria for CustomerCategory tabl
strCriteria2 = "Select t.customer_id, t.category_id, t.business_id, t.customerCategory_timestamp " &
"from tblCustomerCategory t join tblCustomer c " &
"on t.customer_id = c.customer_id where
If strFindFname <> "" The
fFname = Tru
strCriteria2 = strCriteria2 + "c.customer_fname = " + "'" + strFindFname + "'
End I
If strFindLname <> "" The
fLname = Tru
If fFname The
strCriteria2 = strCriteria2 + " and c.customer_lname = " + "'" + strFindLname + "'
strCriteria2 = strCriteria2 + " customer_lname = " + "'" + strFindLname + "'
End I
End I
If strFindCompany <> "" The
fCompany = Tru
If fFname Or fLname The
strCriteria2 = strCriteria2 + " and c.customer_companyName like " + "'%" + strFindCompany + "%'
strCriteria2 = strCriteria2 + " c.customer_companyName like " + "'%" + strFindCompany + "%'
End I
End I
'Define primary key for tblCustomerCategor
sqlDataAdapter5 = New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter(strCriteria2, SqlConnection1
sqlDataAdapter5.Fill(dsDataSet11, "tblCustomerCategory"
tCustomerCategoryTable = dsDataSet11.Tables("tblCustomerCategory"
tCustomerCategoryTable.PrimaryKey = New DataColumn() {tCustomerCategoryTable.Columns("customer_id"),
'Define promary key for tblCategor
sqlDataAdapter6 = New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter("Select * from tblCategory", SqlConnection1
sqlDataAdapter6.Fill(dsDataSet11, "tblCategory"
tCategoryTable = dsDataSet11.Tables("tblCategory"
tCategoryTable.PrimaryKey = New DataColumn() {tCategoryTable.Columns("category_id"),
'Build relationship between the Customer and CustomerCategory table
colParent1 = dsDataSet11.Tables("tblCustomer").Columns("customer_id"
colChild1 = dsDataSet11.Tables("tblCustomerCategory").Columns("customer_id"
drDataRelation1 = New DataRelation("drCustomer",
colParent1, colChild1
'Build relationship between the CustomerCategory and Category table
colParent2(0) = dsDataSet11.Tables("tblCustomerCategory").Columns("category_id"
colParent2(1) = dsDataSet11.Tables("tblCustomerCategory").Columns("business_id"
colChild2(0) = dsDataSet11.Tables("tblCategory").Columns("category_id"
colChild2(1) = dsDataSet11.Tables("tblCategory").Columns("business_id"
bConstraints = True
drDataRelation2 = New DataRelation("drCustomerCategory", _
colParent2, colChild2, bConstraints)
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
'Define primary key for tblCustome
sqlDataAdapter1.Fill(dsDataSet11, "tblCustomer"
tCustomerTable = dsDataSet11.Tables("tblCustomer"
tCustomerTable.PrimaryKey = New DataColumn() {tCustomerTable.Columns("customer_id")
'Set criteria for CustomerCategory tabl
strCriteria2 = "Select t.customer_id, t.category_id, t.business_id, t.customerCategory_timestamp " &
"from tblCustomerCategory t join tblCustomer c " &
"on t.customer_id = c.customer_id where
If strFindFname <> "" The
fFname = Tru
strCriteria2 = strCriteria2 + "c.customer_fname = " + "'" + strFindFname + "'
End I
If strFindLname <> "" The
fLname = Tru
If fFname The
strCriteria2 = strCriteria2 + " and c.customer_lname = " + "'" + strFindLname + "'
strCriteria2 = strCriteria2 + " customer_lname = " + "'" + strFindLname + "'
End I
End I
If strFindCompany <> "" The
fCompany = Tru
If fFname Or fLname The
strCriteria2 = strCriteria2 + " and c.customer_companyName like " + "'%" + strFindCompany + "%'
strCriteria2 = strCriteria2 + " c.customer_companyName like " + "'%" + strFindCompany + "%'
End I
End I
'Define primary key for tblCustomerCategor
sqlDataAdapter5 = New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter(strCriteria2, SqlConnection1
sqlDataAdapter5.Fill(dsDataSet11, "tblCustomerCategory"
tCustomerCategoryTable = dsDataSet11.Tables("tblCustomerCategory"
tCustomerCategoryTable.PrimaryKey = New DataColumn() {tCustomerCategoryTable.Columns("customer_id"),
'Define promary key for tblCategor
sqlDataAdapter6 = New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter("Select * from tblCategory", SqlConnection1
sqlDataAdapter6.Fill(dsDataSet11, "tblCategory"
tCategoryTable = dsDataSet11.Tables("tblCategory"
tCategoryTable.PrimaryKey = New DataColumn() {tCategoryTable.Columns("category_id"),
'Build relationship between the Customer and CustomerCategory table
colParent1 = dsDataSet11.Tables("tblCustomer").Columns("customer_id"
colChild1 = dsDataSet11.Tables("tblCustomerCategory").Columns("customer_id"
drDataRelation1 = New DataRelation("drCustomer",
colParent1, colChild1
'Build relationship between the CustomerCategory and Category table
colParent2(0) = dsDataSet11.Tables("tblCustomerCategory").Columns("category_id"
colParent2(1) = dsDataSet11.Tables("tblCustomerCategory").Columns("business_id"
colChild2(0) = dsDataSet11.Tables("tblCategory").Columns("category_id"
colChild2(1) = dsDataSet11.Tables("tblCategory").Columns("business_id"
bConstraints = True
drDataRelation2 = New DataRelation("drCustomerCategory", _
colParent2, colChild2, bConstraints)
Catch ex As Exception
End Try